I Can’t Remember ANYTHING.

Project Management

I can’t remember anything.  Just ask anyone on the SOLID Team, or especially my kids (Uhm…wait, don’t tell me, I’ll think of their names in a minute,) and they will confirm that my memory slots are filled, and have been for quite some time. While I’ve become more comfortable with this particular brain deficiency, I don't expect everyone else to. For years I've tried to force more information into my skull.  Now, I take advantage of a whole host of website management tools and organizational techniques to help keep me, the SOLID Team and our Clients on track. This morning, TeamGannt’s Stef Gonzaga shared 10 Hacks to Boost Your Productivity and Be Motivated to Work. Her number 1 tip is to empty your mind of all the things you need to do today. DONE! I say that my brain reboots overnight, and I’m not kidding. Don’t get me wrong, waking up in a new world every day has its upside.  Trying to keep up with a mental “to do” list created a ton of anxiety for me over the years.  The fear that something critical has been forgotten is crippling. In his book “Getting Things Done, David Allen says,
“I learned that my brain is for processing, not storage.”
List creating is a coping tool that I’ve used for as long as I can remember (hah, get it?  I can’t remember…oh never mind, moving on,) but list building can lead to mound building.  Warren Buffett has a two list system that basically creates “To Do” and “Avoid-At-All-Costs” tasks.  Knowing what I’m NOT going to do today frees-up a lot of space in my brain and on my desktop. The web industry often gets a black eye as being filled with flakes who let important tasks fall through the cracks.  The truth I’ve found, is that the majority of our fellow Web Professionals aren’t nuts, they are just overwhelmed. At SOLID Web Service, we use a number of management tools like Basecamp and TeamGantt as critical parts of our website planning, production and maintenance processes.  Our clients say that knowing what to expect, how long a task should take, and what creates delays takes the anxiety out of the web design process. If you have questions about your website, or how SOLID Web Service can help you update the look, feel and functionality of your business website, feel comfortable giving us a call or dropping a line.  We’d love to hear from you. Now, if I can just remember to go get a Christmas tree.....SIGH.

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